• Khaletskaya T.M. Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus


The child support payment agreement (alimony payment agreement) is a fairly new institution in both Russian and Belarusian family law. Even though its consolidation in marriage and family law is undoubtedly a step towards strengthening dispositive principles in the regulation of marriage and family relations, the demand for this institution is low. This can be explained by lack of public trust in the contract as a legal instrument as well as by the imperfection of norms governing relations arising in the course of conclusion and execution of the child support payment agreement. Today, the norms of marriage and family law governing the alimony payment agreement needed to be reformed. Since the concept ‘сhild support / alimony payment agreement’ is not clearly defined, this is the starting point for a discussion about its main legal characteristics and its legal nature. It is based on the dispute about the sectoral autonomy of family law and its relationship to civil law. The solution to the question of its subjective composition, subject, features of the conclusion, execution, amendment and termination directly depends on solving the issue of the legal nature of the alimony agreement. The article analyzes the legal nature of the alimony payment agreement. Based on the analysis of certain provisions of marriage and family law and civil law as well as scientific literature, the author concludes that the alimony payment agreement is a civil law transaction, which at the same time has the peculiarities that it gives to marriage and family law.

Keywords: civil law; property relations; family law; child support payment agreement.


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Tatyana M. Khaletskaya – PhD in Law, Docent; Associate Professor, Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, Institute of Managerial Education in Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus. E-mail:
SPIN РИНЦ 6320-4614.

For citation:
Khaletskaya T.M. Legal Nature of the Child Support Payment Agreement // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 1 (34). pp. 103-109. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2020.1(34).103-109.
