• Voiku I.P. Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia


Nowadays, for successful implementation of project knowledge in various fields of activity, one needs to study historical background that reflects the formation of the scientific foundations of design. The author explores three stages of history of design business evolution in Russia: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern (the latest). The first stage is associated with the formulation of key concepts, the development of basic norms of calculations, and the empirical study of the possibilities of using various models of production processes. During this period, theory and practice of project activities in such areas as construction, production, and management of the public sector were formed. Undoubtedly, the history of design business in Russia has historical background. The development of the first domestic standards and regulatory documents on the technique and technology of construction activities as well as the use of drawings refer to the 11th century. The first regulatory and methodological developments for the organization of construction work, control over their execution appeared as early as the 17th century. Since the 19th century, a labour-training program in drawing had begun, a standard architectural and civil engineering had developed. Russian specialists were developing new planning models, including scheduling models. Production organization and management thematic journals began to be published, the first professional design organizations were created. By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia had accumulated considerable experience in design business.

Keywords: pre-revolutionary Russia; scheduling; designing; design business; estimate norms; reference book; construction business; standard construction


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Ivan P. Voiku – Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Management and Innovation Management, Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia. E-mail: ORСID 0000-0001-6558-0964. SPIN РИНЦ 9075-9636.

For citation:
Voiku I.P. Pre-Revolutionary Stage of the History of Design Business Evolution in Russia // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 1 (34). pp. 30-38. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2020.1(34).30-38.
