• Myasoedov A.I. SBI of Moscow ‘Multifunctional centers of providing the state services of Moscow city’, Moscow, Russia


The development of economic research in the 20th century and the gradual aggregation of various fields of scientific research caused complications of economic models and the transition to the use of mixed types of economic-mathematical and economic-statistical. The penetration of the mathematical apparatus into the economy has created a basis for the development and development of methods of economic analysis, econometrics, mathematical programming, and economic statistics. Today, the interpenetration of various branches of knowledge and, in particular, the application of mathematical methods in the natural, social, and economic sciences continues. Among the mathematical processing methods used are polynomial, linear, quadratic, trigonometric, exponential and combined dependencies, differential and algebraic equations. Statistical processing from the assessment of the structure and dynamics of the phenomenon went in the direction of correlation analysis and forecasting. Many scientists and researchers talk about the deep penetration of mathematics into specific sciences and the success that is obtained through a combination of methods from various branches of knowledge. The possibilities of applying mathematics today are increasingly being studied in areas of knowledge where phenomena are poorly structured and highly complex systems-sociology, economics, management, and political science. The article identifies problems and limitations that arise when applying mathematical methods in economic research. Defined measures to ensure adequate development of economic and mathematical models from the perspective of approaches to their building, improved management processes, better training in economic fields.


simulations; history of economic and nomadic thought; mathematics; mathematical methods in economics; mathematical models; economic and mathematical methods


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About the Author

Alexey I. Myasoedov – Lead Specialist, State Budgetary Institution of Moscow ‘Multifunctional centers of providing the state services of Moscow city’, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 8197-6635

For citation:
Myasoedov A.I. Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics: Specifics, Issues, Prospects // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 3 (36). pp. 35-47. (In Russ.). DOI:
