• Shmakov V.S. Institute of Philosophy and Law Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia


The article examines the problem of the impact of globalization on the production, economic, and socio-cultural development of local communities. The article deals with the trends of transformation of the socio-cultural space in the process of modernization, which has a significant impact on the change of socio-cultural locality. Globalization is the process of merging the economic, political, institutional and socio-cultural spheres of life of the world community. Modernization forms a paradigm of non-linearity, which focuses on concepts based on the problem of locality, the dependence of the world community on the impact of globalization and local socio-economic processes. Globalization has a certain dialectical duality. On the one hand, it contributes to the formation of the unity of world development, world unity, on the other hand, the processes of differentiation, fragmentation, localization are traced. Local communities want to preserve their socio-cultural traditions, customs, and values. Religion and ethnicity continue to play an important role in sociocultural relations. The systematic approach enables us to study the processes of modernization as a whole, taking into account the traditions and innovations introduced into the social and cultural sphere. Integration into global economic relations leads to the loss of technical and technological potential, the degradation and disappearance of unique traditional economic patterns, and the archaization of industrial relations. Modernization has transformed the structure of production and ownership. The ideological content of socio-cultural life has changed dramatically, and institutional relations have been modified. The ongoing processes in the production and economic, institutional and socio-cultural spheres have such characteristics as instability and unevenness. Globalization has increased internal instability, as not all local communities are able to adapt to the new trends of development. The gap between the rich and the poor destroys the integrity of local communities. The contradictions associated with the conflicts of liberal standards and traditional values are traced, leading to the emergence of a dissonance between the diversity of traditional socio-cultural interests and the state's ability to effectively solve these problems. The social vulnerability of local communities is growing, including the demographic issues, the decline in the overall level of culture and education. The most dangerous consequence of the destruction of local socio-cultural ties is the loss of self-identity. Local communities are in a state of anomie and disintegration.


globalization, local communities, industrial and economic modernization, socio-cultural identity


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About the Author

Vladimir S. Shmakov – Doctor of Philosophy, Docent; Leading Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 7201-4753

For citation

Shmakov V.S. The Impact of Industrial and Economic Modernization on the Transformation of Socio-Cultural Identity // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 1(38). Pp. 106-113. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.1(38).106-113
