• Donina I.A. Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia
  • Dagaeva I.A. Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia
  • Vodneva S.N. Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia


The article explores some issues connected with trajectories of professional development of employees. The authors note that as the digital economy develops, its requirements have an increasing impact on human resource management.For example, continuous employee learning is a new strategy of constant skill and knowledge development in response to changes in the workplace.Today, an employee needs to acquire new knowledge and skills. However, technological, informational, methodological, and psychological problems arise in this regard. The most obvious are the lack of motivation for continuous professional self-development, the lack of talent management systems, insufficient assessment and self-assessment tools. The article presents the results of the survey completed by 101 employees who work in different professional fields: education, business, public service, manufacturing, art, medicine, and politics. Most of the respondents have more than ten years of work experience and are ordinary employees of the organization. However, some CEOs, HODs and line managers completed the survey as well. Based on the findings of the research, authors offer some guidelines for HR team that helps build individual roadmaps for professional development of employees.


professional development, self-development, trajectories of professional development of employees, management of professional development, personnel management


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About the Authors

Irina A. Donina – Doctor in Education, Professor; Professor, Yaroslav-the-Wise State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 5507-0684. ORCID 0000-0002-8191-196X
Irina A. Dagaeva – PhD in Economics, Docent; Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department, Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 6363-8460. ORCID 0000-0003-4006-1556
Svetlana N. Vodneva – PhD in Education; Dean of the Faculty, Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 5623-9360. ORCID 0000-0002-1760-6151

For citation

Donina I.A., Dagaeva I.A., Vodneva S.N. Research on Factors of Professional Development of Employees in Response of Changes in the Workplace // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 1(38). Pp. 65-72. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.1(38).65-72
