• Nabatova N.Yu. Institute of Entrepreneurship Problems LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Plotnikov V.А. Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia


The transition to a new technological order in the medium term requires structural changes in the Russian economy. These changes are closely related to accelerated innovative development. The aim of the study is to analyze the structural transformations of the national economy of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of innovative changes that we associate with the development of information and communication technologies (digital revolution), as well as the role of industry in the implementation of these changes. The object of study is the Russian economy and its structure in dynamics. The author's research methodology is based on a systematic approach and a dialectical method, one of the principles of which is the transition from quantitative changes to qualitative ones. The subject of study is the structural transition of the national economy to a new qualitative state. For this, quantitative and then qualitative changes in the national economic system have been studied, which ultimately lead to a new stage of development, the formation of an innovative economy. In this regard, we should talk about a neo-industrial economy, in which the industry is structurally changing, technologically transforming and servicing. In the context of the structural transition under consideration, the manufacturing industry and the degree of its development, technical and technological excellence, the level of innovation become the key factors for the success of the transition. The study shows that in the context of active informatization (digitalization), the face of the manufacturing industry and its sectoral composition are changing. The manufacturing industry, while qualitatively changing under the influence of informatization and innovation and technological shifts, remains the core of further sustainable development and functioning of the economy. This is confirmed by a structural analysis of macroeconomic data for the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the structure of the Russian economy in the sectoral context has remained fairly stable in recent decades, it can be traced (so far weak, but already visible) evolutionary changes confirming a gradual movement towards a structural transition to a new type of economy. This movement, according to the authors, requires more active support within the framework of state economic policy.


innovative development, information and communication technologies, national economy, new technological order, manufacturing industry, economic structure, structural transition, digitalization of the economy


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About the Authors

Natalya Yu. Nabatova – Assistant Business Appraiser; Institute of Entrepreneurship Problems LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 3621-8074

Vladimir A. Plotnikov – Doctor of Economics, Professor; Professor, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 4075-8257. ORСID 0000-0002-3784-6195

For citation

Nabatova N.Yu., Plotnikov V.A. Innovation, Informatization, Industry: Structural Analysis of Macroeconomic Dynamics in the Russian Federation // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 1(38). Pp. 90-99. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.1(38).90-99
