• A.N. Fomina Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Bryansk, Bryansk, Russia


Innovative changes in the television industry are associated with the introduction of digital technologies to television production and broadcasting. Today, the main direction of digitalization in the television industry is the use of cloud technologies. Cloud technologies are one of the powerful drivers of development of the television industry market; their capabilities and advantages are increasing every year. The subject of the study is cloud solutions and their advantages in the television industry in the context of its innovative development. The Purpose of the study is to identify the features, capabilities and advantages of using cloud technologies in the television industry. The article reveals the content of the main areas of application of cloud solutions and characterizes the types of cloud services in the television industry. The author’s conclusion is that the use of cloud solutions in the television industry contributes to the effective organization of television production. The novelty of the research lies in determination and generalization of promising areas for the use of the cloud solutions in the television industry, systematization of the advantages of using cloud services in television production and broadcasting, formed on the basis of the technological capabilities of end-to-end digital technologies. The methodological recommendations formulated by the author and aimed at improving the use of cloud solutions in the television industry have practical interest for the television industry.

Keywords: virtual TV channel, innovative development, competitive content, cloud television production, cloud technologies, digital television industry, digital technologies


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About the Author

Alexandra N. Fomina – Cand. Sci. (Economics); TV news correspondent, Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Bryansk, Bryansk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 2613-1180. ORCID 0000-0001-6536-7135

For citation: Fomina A.N. Cloud TV Production in the Context of Innovative Development of the Digital TV Industry // Beneficium. 2023. Vol. 4(49). Pp. 74-84. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.4(49).74-84
