• A.V. Mitenkov University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia


The transformation of the management system in an organization involves multiple relationships between employees aimed at developing and implementing solutions to radically change the management system to achieve business goals. One of the main success factors is the presence of an effective leadership team and competent line management, whose partnership is based on a culture of communication, which in turn is a component of a common culture of mutual respect and trust. Business in Russia today is increasingly aware of the need to create an atmosphere where communicative cooperation becomes the key to success. However, simply stating values and approaches is not enough. The institutionalization of a new communicative culture is becoming essential, which should be embedded in the standards of interaction based on the value model of the organization. These standards should be clearly defined, measured, and shared by all participants in business processes. The object of the study is commercial organizations, the subject of the study is the relationship between employees in terms of communications. The article discusses the developed and tested 6-stage methodology for the formation and implementation of a communication culture in the daily activities of companies. This methodology makes it possible to form new models of employee communicative behavior, which has an impact on reducing time losses in the management system due to the elimination of the a priori existing “friction” in the relationship between the parties during communications while solving everyday business problems. The methodology makes it possible to increase staff engagement, and as a result, labor productivity, and can be effectively applied in practice by any economic entity.

Keywords: leadership in the organization, organizational culture, organizational behavior, organizational development, organizational changes, socio-psychological aspects of management


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About the Author

Alexey V. Mitenkov – Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Docent; Director of the Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 8563-6810. ORCID 0000-0003-3146-621X. ResearcherID: HNB-5697-2023. Scopus Author ID 58612635700

For citation: Mitenkov A.V. Methodology for the Formation and Implementation of a Culture of Communication in the Transformation of the Organization's Management System // Beneficium. 2024. Vol. 1(50). Pp. 99-108. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2024.1(50).99-108
