• A.D. Stolyarov Institute of Applied Information Technologies, Moscow, Russia
  • A.V. Abramov National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • V.I. Abramov National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia


The article examines the potential of generative artificial intelligence for business model innovation. The relevance of this material is due to the explosive growth of developments in this area due to the emergence of generative AI-based applications such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Jasper, and DALL-E. The purpose of the article is to analyze emerging opportunities in business, study emerging problems and formulate promising directions for the implementation of GAI in the presence of restrictions associated with large language models. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach used in the analysis of complex economic systems and uses general scientific methods of cognition: studying relevant scientific articles in publicly available sources, collecting facts, analysis, comparison, logical reasoning, and synthesis. It is shown that GAI can become a powerful tool in the process of digital transformation of companies, since it can be used to develop innovations and modernize business models of enterprises. First, generative AI serves to strengthen relationships with customers by providing instant and personalized responses to their requests, thereby improving the overall quality of service – GAI allows for intelligent processes to be carried out as quickly as possible without unnecessary costs. Possible problems of generative AI models, which can create financial, reputational, and legal risks, are considered along with the wide potential opportunities and benefits of GAI technologies for business. A framework is presented to show that most of the limitations are related to the technological characteristics of generative AI, but at the same time, companies need to understand the importance of new employee skills and security considerations. The scientific novelty of this work lies in proposals for the use of generative AI in business model innovation with an understanding of the limiting factors associated with the features of this technology. The results obtained can be used in practice as part of the development of measures to transform the business models of companies or to improve the efficiency of managing the operational activities of enterprises. Although there are many challenges to using generative AI, companies need to embrace it because of its potential benefits and positive impact on business development. 

Keywords: business model, generative AI, innovation, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, ChatGPT


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About the Authors

Alexander D. Stolyarov– ResearchAssociate, InstituteofAppliedInformationTechnologies, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: .SPIN РИНЦ 5180-2461. ORCID 0000-0001-8916-6709

Viktor I. Abramov– Dr. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 9180-0782. ORCID 0000-0002-9471-9408. ResearcherID AEL-7284-2022. Scopus Author ID 56005129700

Andrey V. Abramov – Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPINРИНЦ4880-6329. ORCID0009-0005-4758-4677

For citation: Stolyarov A.D., Abramov A.V., Abramov V.I. Generative Artificial Intelligence for Business Models Innovation: Opportunities and Limitations// Beneficium. 2024. Vol. 3(52). Pp. 43-51. (InRuss.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2024.3(52).43-51
